Sebastian Rubio

Sebastian Rubio


Sebastian Rubio is an actor and stage director born in Lima in 1985. Born into a theatrical family, he spent his childhood in the group Yuyachkani Years later, he attended the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP) where he studied performing arts and contemporary dance. As an actor, Sebastian has worked in productions directed by Juan Carlos
 Fisher, Gisela Carde nas and Miguel Rubio Yuyachkani, among others. He was featured in the 2012 film Dark Sky, directed by Joel Calero. He also participated in the Festival de Santiago a Mil de Chile and in the FIT of Belo Horizonte. He has appeared in various Peruvian television miniseries and cultural segments of cable and in memorable advertising campaigns. He starred and directed the play 198O2OOO project, which has received several invitations to festivals in Peru and continues to generate buzz.

Indican Pictures
