Mack Sennett

Mack Sennett

Naissance : 17/01/1880
Richmond, Quebec, Canada

Décès : 05/11/1960 (80 ans)
Woodland Hills, California, États-Unis



Roadhouse Queen




Playgrounds of the Mammals


Midnight Daddies


The Good-Bye Kiss


Premier amour


A Prodigal Bridegroom


Hoboken to Hollywood


Should Husbands Marry?






The Extra Girl


The Shriek of Araby


Bow Wow


The Crossroads of New York


Home Talent


L'Idole du village


Made in the Kitchen


Molly O'


Dollars and Sense


Down on the Farm


Love, Honor and Behave


Married Life


Yankee Doodle in Berlin


His Wife's Friend




Dad's Downfall


Innocent Sinners


Fatty and Mabel Adrift


Her First Beau


A Steel Rolling Mill


Gussle's Day of Rest


Viewing Sherman Institute for Indians at Riverside


A False Beauty


A Glimpse of Los Angeles


A Robust Romeo


A Rural Demon


Acres of Alfalfa


Barnyard Flirtations


Chicken Chaser


Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte


Olives and Their Oil


Santa Catalina Islands


Shotguns That Kick


That Minstrel Man


The Morning Papers


The Yosemite


Their Ups and Downs


Twixt Love and Fire


Washing Our Clothes


A Little Hero


A Red Hot Romance


A Ride for a Bride


Baby Day


Fatty's Day Off


Foiling Fickle Father


His Crooked Career


His Ups and Downs


How Hiram Won Out


Just Brown's Luck


Los Angeles Harbor


Love Sickness at Sea


Sir Thomas Lipton Out West


The Deacon Outwitted


The Gypsy Queen


The Hansom Driver


The Kelp Industry


The Largest Boat Ever Launched Sideways


The Milk We Drink


The New Conductor


The Professor's Daughter


The San Francisco Celebration


The Sleuth's Last Stand


The Speed Queen


The Telltale Light


The Waiters' Picnic


What Father Saw


When Dreams Come True


A Midnight Elopement


Mabel's Adventures


Mabel's Stratagem


Pat's Day Off


The Duel


The New Neighbor


Sea-Going Birds


Wrestling Swordfish


Mabel and Fatty Viewing the World's Fair at San Francisco


United States Army in San Francisco


How Motion Pictures Are Made


Abalone Industry

Courts métrages

Flicker Fever


Just Another Murder


Olde Saw Mill, Ye


The Timid Young Man


Way Up Thar


Just an Echo


A Wrestler's Bride


Artist's Muddles


Blue of the Night


Caliente Love


Daddy Knows Best


Don't Play Bridge with Your Wife


Dream Stuff


Easy on the Eyes


Feeling Rosy


Husbands' Reunion


Knockout Kisses


La Pinte fatale


Le Barbier


Le Pharmacien




See You Tonight


Sing, Bing, Sing


Sweet Cookie


The Big Fibber


The Plumber and the Lady


The Singing Boxer


Too Many Highballs


Uncle Jake


Billboard Girl


Courting Trouble


Doubling in the Quickies


Dream House


False Impressions


Hawkins & Watkins Inc.


Heavens! My Husband!


His Royal Shyness


Jimmy's New Yacht


Lady! Please!


Le Dentiste


Lighthouse Love


Meet the Senator


Speed in the Gay Nineties


The Candid Camera


The Flirty Sleepwalker


The Giddy Age


The Human Fish


The Lion and the House


The Loud Mouth


The Singing Plumber


The Spot on the Rug


Up Popped the Ghost


A Poor Fish


Crashing Hollywood


Dance Hall Marge




Ghost Parade


Half Holiday


Hold 'er Sheriff


I Surrender Dear


Monkey Business in Africa


No, No, Lady


One More Chance


Slide, Speedy, Slide




Taxi Troubles


The All-American Kickback


The Cannonball


The College Vamp


The Dog Doctor


The Great Pie Mystery


The Pottsville Palooka


The World Flier


Who's Who in the Zoo


A Hollywood Theme Song


Average Husband


Bulls and Bears


Campus Crushes


Divorced Sweethearts


Don't Bite Your Dentist


Fat Wives for Thin


Goodbye Legs


Grandma's Girl


He Trumped Her Ace


Honeymoon Zeppelin


Match Play


Racket Cheers


Radio Kisses


Rough Idea of Love




Sugar Plum Papa


Take Your Medicine


The Bluffer


The Chumps


Vacation Loves


A Close Shave


A Hollywood Star


Baby's Birthday


Broadway Blues


Button My Back


Calling Hubby's Bluff


Caught in a Taxi


Clunked on the Corner


Don't Get Jealous


Foolish Husbands


Girl Crazy


Jazz Mamas


Motoring Mamas


Pink Pajamas


Taxi Dolls


Taxi Spooks


The Barber's Daughter


The Bees' Buzz


The Big Palooka


The Bride's Relations


The Constabule


The Golfers


The Lunkhead


The Old Barn


The Rodeo


Uppercut O'Brien


Whirls and Girls


A Dumb Waiter


A Taxi Scandal


His New Stenographer


His Unlucky Night


Hubby's Latest Alibi


Hubby's Weekend Trip


Love at First Flight


Motorboat Mamas


Run, Girl, Run


Smith's Army Life


Smith's Holiday


Smith's Restaurant


Taxi Beauties


Taxi for Two


The Bargain Hunt


The Beach Club


The Best Man


The Bicycle Flirt


The Burglar


The Campus Carmen


The Campus Vamp


The Chicken


The Girl from Nowhere


The Lion's Roar


The Swim Princess


A Dozen Socks


A Finished Actor


A Hollywood Hero


A Small Town Princess


Broke in China


Catalina, Here I Come


Crazy to Act


Cured in the Excitement


Gold Digger of Weepah


Love in a Police Station


Love's Languid Lure


Peaches and Plumbers


Should Sleepwalkers Marry?


Smith's Candy Shop


Smith's Cook


Smith's Cousin


Smith's Customer


Smith's Fishing Trip


Smith's Kindergarten


Smith's Modiste Shop


Smith's New Home


Smith's Pets


Smith's Pony


The Bull Fighter


The Bum's Rush


The College Kiddo


The Girl from Everywhere


The Golf Nut


The Jolly Jilter


The Pride of Pikeville


A Blonde's Revenge


A Harem Knight


A Love Sundae


A Sea Dog's Tale


A Yankee Doodle Duke


Alice Be Good


All Wet


Circus Today




Fight Night


Flirty Four-Flushers




Hayfoot, Strawfoot?


Hooked at the Altar


Hot Cakes for Two


Hubby's Quiet Little Game


Ice Cold Cocos


Kitty from Killarney


Love's Last Laugh


Masked Mamas


Meet My Girl


Muscle-Bound Music


Puppy Lovetime


Repos hebdomadaire


Smith's Baby


Smith's Picnic


Smith's Uncle


Smith's Vacation


Soldier Man


Spanking Breezes


The Divorce Dodger


The Funnymooners


The Ghost of Folly


The Gosh-Darn Mortgage


The Perils of Petersboro


Trimmed in Gold


Wandering Willies


Whispering Whiskers


Wide Open Faces


Bashful Jim


Boobs in the Wood


Breaking the Ice


Butter Fingers


Cold Turkey


Cupid's Boots


Dangerous Curves Behind


From Rags to Britches




Good Morning, Madam!


Good Morning, Nurse


He Who Gets Smacked


His Marriage Wow


Honeymoon Hardships




Hurry, Doctor!


Isn't Love Cuckoo?


Love and Kisses


Lucky Stars


Over Thereabouts


Plain Clothes


Remember When?


Skinners in Silk


Sneezing Beezers


Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies


Take Your Time


Tee for Two


The Beloved Bozo


The Iron Nag


The Lion's Whiskers


The Marriage Circus


The Plumber


The Raspberry Romance


The Sea Squawk


The Wild Goose Chaser


The Window Dummy


There He Goes


Water Wagons


All Night Long


Black Oxfords


Bull and Sand


East of the Water Plug


En butinant les fleurs


Feet of Mud


Flickering Youth


Galloping Bungalows


His New Mamma


Little Robinson Corkscrew


Lizzies of the Field


Love's Sweet Piffle


Off His Trolley


One Spooky Night


Riders of the Purple Cows


Romeo and Juliet


Scarem Much


Shanghaied Lovers


Smile Please


Ten Dollars or Ten Days


The Cannon Ball Express


The Cat's Meow


The First 100 Years


The Half-Back of Notre Dame


The Hansom Cabman


The Hollywood Kid


The Lion and the Souse


The Luck of the Foolish


The Reel Virginian


Three Foolish Weeks


Wall Street Blues


Wandering Waistlines


Yukon Jake


Asleep at the Switch


Down to the Sea in Shoes


Flip Flops


Inbad the Sailor


Nip and Tuck


One Cylinder Love


Pitfalls of a Big City


Rough and Ready




The Dare-Devil


Where's My Wandering Boy This Evening?


Gymnasium Jim


Home Made Movies


Ma and Pa


On Patrol


Step Forward


The Duck Hunter


When Summer Comes


Astray from the Steerage


Be Reasonable


Bright Eyes


By Heck


Call a Cop


Dabbling in Art


Hard Knocks and Love Taps


Love and Doughnuts


Love's Outcast


Officer Cupid


On a Summer Day


She Sighed by the Seaside


Sweetheart Days


The Unhappy Finish


Wedding Bells Out of Tune


A Kitchen Cinderella


Bungalow Troubles


By Golly!


Don't Weaken


Fickle Fancy


Fresh from the City


Gee Whiz


Great Scott!


His Youthful Fancy


It's a Boy


Let 'er Go


Movie Fans


My Goodness


Ten Dollars or Ten Days


The Gingham Girl


The Quack Doctor


The Star Boarder


You Wouldn't Believe It


A Lady's Tailor


Among Those Present


Back to the Kitchen


Cupid's Day Off


East Lynne with Variations


Hearts and Flowers


His Last False Step


Love's False Faces


Never Too Old


No Mother to Guide Him


Reilly's Wash Day


Rip & Stitch: Tailors


Salome vs. Shenandoah


The Dentist


The Foolish Age


The Little Widow


The Speakeasy


The Village Smithy


Treating 'Em Rough


Trying to Get Along


Uncle Tom Without a Cabin


Up in Alf's Place


When Love Is Blind


Why Beaches Are Popular


Beware of Boarders


Friend Husband


Her Blighted Love


Her First Mistake


Her Screen Idol


Hide and Seek Detectives


His Hidden Purpose


His Smothered Love


It Pays to Exercise


It's a Cinch


Ladies First


Love Loops the Loop


Saucy Madeline


She Loved Him Plenty


Sheriff Nell's Tussle




The Battle Royal


The Kitchen Lady


The Summer Girls


The Village Chestnut


Those Athletic Girls


Two Tough Tenderfeet


Watch Your Neighbor


Whose Little Wife Are You?


A Bedroom Blunder


A Berth Scandal


A Clever Dummy


A Dark Room Secret


A Dishonest Burglar


A Dog Catcher's Love


A Dog's Own Tale


A Fallen Star


A Film Exposure


A Finished Product


A Janitor's Vengeance


A Laundry Clean-Up


A Maiden's Trust


A Matrimonial Accident


A Noble Fraud


A Prairie Heiress


A Royal Rogue


A Toy of Fate


A Tuner of Note


A Warm Reception


Aired in Court


All at Sea


An International Sneak


Are Waitresses Safe?


Beach Story


Cactus Nell


Caught in the End


Dangers of a Bride


Dodging His Doom


Done in Oils


Half and Half


Her Birthday Knight


Her Candy Kid


Her Circus Knight


Her Donkey Love


Her Fame and Shame


Her Finishing Touch


Her Nature Dance


Her Torpedoed Love


His Busy Day


His Cool Nerve


His Deadly Undertaking


His Fatal Move


His Foothill Folly


His Hidden Talent


His Naughty Thought


His One Night Stand


His Parlor Zoo


His Perfect Day


His Precious Life


His Rise and Tumble


His Saving Grace


His Social Rise


His Speedy Finish


His Thankless Job


His Uncle Dudley


His Unconscious Conscience


Hobbled Hearts


Lost: A Cook


Love and Fish


Maggie's First False Step


Oriental Love


Perils of the Bakery


Petticoat Perils


Pinched in the Finish


Roping Her Romeo


Secrets of a Beauty Parlor


She Needed a Doctor


Skidding Hearts


Skirt Strategy


Taming Target Center


Teddy at the Throttle


That Night


The Betrayal of Maggie


The Girl and the Ring


The House of Scandal


The Pawnbroker's Heart


The Pullman Bride


The Road Agent


The Sultan's Wife




Twin Troubles


Two Crooks


When Hearts Collide


Whose Baby?


A Bachelor's Finish


A Bath House Blunder


A Dash of Courage


A Love Riot


A Lover's Might


A Modern Enoch Arden


A Movie Star


A Scoundrel's Toll


A Tugboat Romeo


Ambrose's Cup of Woe


Ambrose's Rapid Rise


An Oily Scoundrel


Bath Tub Perils


Because He Loved Her


Better Late Than Never


Black Eyes and Blue




Bright Lights


Bubbles of Trouble


Bucking Society


By Stork Delivery


Cinders of Love


Gypsy Joe


Haystacks and Steeples


He Did and He Didn't


Hearts and Sparks


Her Marble Heart


His Auto Ruination


His Bitter Pill


His Bread and Butter


His Busted Trust


His First False Step


His Hereafter


His Last Scent


His Lying Heart


His Pride and Shame


His Wife's Mistakes


His Wild Oats


Hogan's Pup


Love Will Conquer


Madcap Ambrose


Maid Mad


Pills of Peril


Safety First Ambrose


She Loved a Sailor




The Danger Girl


The Feathered Nest


The Great Pearl Tangle


The Judge


The Moonshiners


The Nick of Time Baby


The Other Man


The Snow Cure


The Surf Girl


The Village Vampire


The Waiters' Ball


The Worst of Friends


Vampire Ambrose


Wife and Auto Trouble


A Bear Affair


A Bird's a Bird


A Favorite Fool


A Game Old Knight


A Glimpse of the San Diego Exposition


A Hash House Fraud


A Home Breaking Hound


A Human Hound's Triumph


A Janitor's Wife's Temptation


A Lover's Lost Control


A Lucky Leap


A One Night Stand


A Rascal's Foolish Way


A Submarine Pirate


A Versatile Villain


A Village Scandal


Ambrose's Fury


Ambrose's Little Hatchet


Ambrose's Lofty Perch


Ambrose's Nasty Temper


Ambrose's Sour Grapes


Beating Hearts and Carpets


Caught in a Park


Caught in the Act


Colored Villainy


Court House Crooks


Crooked to the End


Crossed Love and Swords


Dirty Work in a Laundry




Droppington's Devilish Deed


Droppington's Family Tree


Fatty and Mabel at the San Diego Exposition


Fatty and the Broadway Stars


Fatty's Chance Acquaintance


Fatty's Faithful Fido


Fatty's New Role


Fatty's Plucky Pup


Fatty's Reckless Fling


Fatty's Tintype Tangle


Fickle Fatty's Fall


For Better - But Worse


From Patches to Plenty


Gussle Rivals Jonah


Gussle Tied to Trouble


Gussle's Backward Way


Gussle's Wayward Path


Gussle, the Golfer


Hash House Mashers


He Wouldn't Stay Down


Hearts and Planets


Her Painted Hero


Her Winning Punch


His Father's Footsteps


His Luckless Love


Hogan Out West


Hogan's Aristocratic Dream


Hogan's Mussy Job


Hogan's Romance Upset


Hogan's Wild Oats


Hogan, the Porter


Hushing the Scandal


Love in Armor


Love, Loot and Crash


Love, Speed and Thrills


Mabel Lost and Won


Mabel and Fatty's Married Life


Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day


Mabel's Wilful Way


Mabel, Fatty and the Law


Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers


Mixed Up


My Valet


No One to Guide Him


Only a Farmer's Daughter


Only a Messenger Boy


Our Dare-Devil Chief


Peanuts and Bullets


Rum and Wall Paper


Saved by the Wireless


Settled at the Seaside


Stolen Magic


That Little Band of Gold


The Battle of Ambrose and Walrus


The Beauty Bunglers


The Best of Enemies


The Cannon Ball


The Great Vacuum Robbery


The Home Breakers


The Hunt


The Little Teacher


The Rent Jumpers


Their Social Splash


Those College Girls


When Ambrose Dared Walrus


When Love Took Wings


Willful Ambrose


Wished on Mabel


Ye Olden Grafter


A Back Yard Theatre


A Bath House Beauty


A Brand New Hero


A Colored Girl's Love


A Dark Lover's Play


A Fatal Flirtation


A Flirt's Mistake


A Gambling Rube


A Misplaced Foot


A Missing Bride


A New York Girl


A Rowboat Romance


A Suspended Ordeal


A Thief Catcher


Across the Hall


Ambrose's First Falsehood


Among the Mourners


An Incompetent Hero


Caught in a Flue


Charlot aime la patronne


Charlot concierge


Charlot danseur


Charlot dentiste


Charlot déménageur


Charlot est content de lui


Charlot est trop galant


Charlot et Fatty sur le ring


Charlot et Mabel aux courses


Charlot et Mabel en promenade


Charlot et la somnambule


Charlot et le chronomètre


Charlot et le mannequin


Charlot et le parapluie


Charlot et les saucisses


Charlot fait du cinéma


Charlot garde-malade


Charlot garçon de théâtre


Charlot grande coquette


Charlot marquis


Charlot mitron


Charlot nudiste


Charlot papa


Charlot rival d'amour


Charlot à l'hôtel


Cursed by His Beauty


Curses! They Remarked


Dash, Love and Splash


Double Crossed


Fatty Again


Fatty and Minnie He-Haw


Fatty and the Heiress


Fatty's Debut


Fatty's Finish


Fatty's Gift


Fatty's Jonah Day


Fatty's Magic Pants


Fatty's Wine Party


Fièvre printanière


Garçon de café


He Loved the Ladies


Hello, Mabel


Her Friend the Bandit


Her Last Chance


High Spots on Broadway


His Halted Career


His Second Childhood


His Taking Ways


His Talented Wife


Hogan's Annual Spree


How Heroes Are Made


In the Clutches of the Gang


Kid Love


Killing Horace


Le Maillet de Charlot


Leading Lizzie Astray


Little Billy's City Cousin


Little Billy's Strategy


Little Billy's Triumph


Love and Bullets


Love and Dynamite


Love and Gasoline


Love and Salt Water


Lover's Luck


Lovers' Post Office


Mabel at the Wheel


Mabel's Blunder


Mabel's Latest Prank


Mabel's Nerve


Mabel's New Job


Mabel's Stormy Love Affair


Mack at It Again


Madame Charlot


Other People's Business


Pour gagner sa vie


Rebecca's Wedding Day


Shot in the Excitement


Soldiers of Misfortune


Stout Hearts But Weak Knees


Such a Cook


The Alarm


The Anglers


The Baggage Smasher


The Eavesdropper


The Great Toe Mystery


The Love Thief


The Noise of Bombs


The Passing of Izzy


The Plumber


The Race


The Rounders


The Sea Nymphs


The Sky Pirate


The Under-Sheriff


The Water Dog


Those Country Kids


Those Happy Days


Too Many Brides


Where Hazel Met the Villain


Wild West Love


Won in a Closet


Zip, the Dodger


A Bad Game


A Bandit


A Deaf Burglar


A Doctored Affair


A Dollar Did It


A Double Wedding


A Fishy Affair


A Game of Poker


A Game of Pool


A Healthy Neighborhood


A Landlord's Troubles


A Life in the Balance


A Muddy Romance


A Noise from the Deep


A Quiet Little Wedding


A Strong Revenge


A Tangled Affair


A Wife Wanted


Across the Alley


Algy on the Force


At Twelve O'Clock


Bangville Police


Barney Oldfield's Race for a Life


Billy Dodges Bills


Cohen Saves the Flag


Cohen's Outing


Cupid in the Dental Parlor


Father's Choice


Fatty Joins the Force


Fatty at San Diego


Fatty's Flirtation


For Lizzie's Sake


For the Love of Mabel


Forced Bravery


Get Rich Quick


He Would a Hunting Go


Heinze's Resurrection


Help! Help! Hydrophobia!


Her Birthday Present


Her New Beau


Hide and Seek


His Chum the Baron


His Sister's Kids


Hubby's Job


Jenny's Pearls


Just Kids


Love and Courage


Love and Pain


Love and Rubbish


Mabel's Awful Mistakes


Mabel's Dramatic Career


Mabel's Heroes


Mabel's New Hero


Mother's Boy


Murphy's I.O.U.


On His Wedding Day


Our Children


Out and In


Passions, He Had Three


Peeping Pete


Professor Bean's Removal


Rastus and the Game Cock


Safe in Jail


Saving Mabel's Dad


Schnitz the Tailor


Some Nerve


That Ragtime Band


The Battle of Who Run


The Bowling Match


The Champion


The Chief's Predicament


The Cure That Failed


The Darktown Belle


The Elite Ball


The Firebugs


The Foreman of the Jury


The Gangsters


The Gusher


The Janitor


The Jealous Waiter


The Land Salesman


The Latest in Life Saving


The Man Next Door


The Mistaken Masher


The Peddler


The Riot


The Rube and the Baron


The Rural Third Degree


The Sleuths at the Floral Parade


The Speed Kings


The Stolen Purse


The Tale of a Black Eye


The Two Widows


The Woman Haters


Their First Execution


Their Husbands


Those Good Old Days


Toplitsky and Company


Twixt Love and Fire


Two Old Tars


Willie Minds the Dog




Zuzu, the Band Leader


A Bear Escape


A Desperate Lover


A Family Mixup


A Temperamental Husband


Algy the Watchman


Ambitious Butler


At Coney Island


At It Again


Brown's Seance


Cohen Collects a Debt


Hoffmeyer's Legacy


Kings Court


Les Touristes


Mabel's Lovers


Mr. Fix-It


Pedro's Dilemma


Riley and Schultz


Stolen Glory


The Beating He Needed


The Deacon's Troubles


The Drummer's Vacation


The Flirting Husband


The Grocery Clerk's Romance


The New Baby


The Rivals


The Water Nymph


Useful Sheep


The $500 Reward



Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Kops


All in Good Fun - i.a.


Hollywood Cavalcade


Hollywood Boulevard


Oh, Mabel Behave


Mabel's Bare Escape


His Crooked Career


Love Sickness at Sea


The Hansom Driver




The Sleuth's Last Stand


Pat's Day Off


The Duel


A Summer Tragedy


The Affair of an Egg


The Masher


The Black Viper


The Invisible Fluid


The King's Messenger


The Man in the Box


Slaphappy - i.a.


Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté (téléfilm) - i.a.


Added Attractions: The Hollywood Shorts Story (téléfilm)


Couples et duos de légende du cinéma : Charlie Chaplin et Mack Sennett (téléfilm) - i.a.


D.W. Griffith: Father of Film - i.a.


Hollywood (série) - i.a.


Comedy: A Serious Business - i.a. (E08)


In the Beginning - i.a. (E02)


The Great Chase - i.a.


Days of Thrills and Laughter - i.a.


Hollywood: The Golden Years (téléfilm) - i.a.


La Grande Époque - i.a.


Down Memory Lane


Hedda Hopper's Hollywood No. 6


Meet the Stars #8: Stars Past and Present


March of Time: The Movies Move On


The Movies March On - i.a.


Screen Snapshots Series 10, No. 8


The Voice of Hollywood No. 3


The Voice of Hollywood No. 3


The Voice of Hollywood No. 7


Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 15 - i.a.


Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 10

Courts métrages

Olde Saw Mill, Ye


Movie Town




Flickering Youth


The Hollywood Kid


The Judge


Fatty and the Broadway Stars


My Valet


Stolen Magic


The Little Teacher


A New York Girl


Charlot et Fatty sur le ring


Charlot et les saucisses


Charlot fait du cinéma


Charlot garçon de théâtre


His Talented Wife


Le Maillet de Charlot


Mabel at the Wheel


Mack at It Again


Rebecca's Wedding Day


A Landlord's Troubles


A Strong Revenge


At Twelve O'Clock


Barney Oldfield's Race for a Life


Her New Beau


Mabel's Awful Mistakes


Mabel's Dramatic Career


Mabel's Heroes


Murphy's I.O.U.


Peeping Pete


Rastus and the Game Cock


The Battle of Who Run


The Elite Ball


The Firebugs


The Jealous Waiter


The Mistaken Masher


The Rube and the Baron


The Sleuths at the Floral Parade


The Stolen Purse


Their First Execution


Those Good Old Days


A Bear Escape


A Family Mixup


A Message from the Moon


A Spanish Dilemma


A String of Pearls


A Temperamental Husband


Ambitious Butler


At Coney Island


At It Again


Did Mother Get Her Wish?


Hoffmeyer's Legacy


Hot Stuff


Le Chasseur téméraire


Le Mariage d'Helen


Les Fourrures


Les Touristes


L’Ordonnance du docteur


Man's Genesis


Mr. Fix-It


Pedro's Dilemma


The Fatal Chocolate


The New Baby


The New York Hat


The Rivals


The Speed Demon


The Water Nymph


The Would-Be Shriner


Their First Kidnapping Case


Those Hicksville Boys


Tomboy Bessie


A Decree of Destiny


Bearded Youth


Caught with the Goods




Cupid's Joke




Dutch Gold Mine


Fisher Folks


His Daughter


His Trust


His Trust Fulfilled


His Trust: The Faithful Devotion and Self-Sacrifice of an Old Negro Servant


Misplaced Jealousy


Mr. Peck Goes Calling


Paradise Lost


Priscilla's Engagement Ring


That Dare Devil


The $500 Reward


The Beautiful Voice


The Country Lovers


The Ghost


The Italian Barber


The Manicure Lady


The New Dress


The Spanish Gypsy


The Village Hero


The White Rose of the Wilds


Their First Divorce Case


Three Sisters


Through His Wife's Picture


Too Many Burglars


Trailing the Counterfeiter


A Child's Faith


A Child's Impulse


A Flash of Light


A Gold Necklace


A Knot in the Plot


A Lucky Toothache


A Midnight Cupid


A Mohawk's Way


A Rich Revenge


A Salutary Lesson


A Victim of Jealousy


After the Ball


All on Account of the Milk


An Affair of Hearts


An Arcadian Maid


As It Is in Life


As the Bells Rang Out!


Effecting a Cure


Examination Day at School




Gold Is Not All


Happy Jack, a Hero


Her Father's Pride


His Wife's Sweethearts


In Old California


In the Border States


In the Season of Buds


Little Angels of Luck


Love Among the Roses


Love in Quarantine


Muggsy Becomes a Hero


Never Again


Not So Bad as It Seemed


One Night and Then


Over Silent Paths




Serious Sixteen


Taming a Husband


The Broken Doll


The Call


The Call to Arms


The Cloister's Touch


The Converts


The Dancing Girl of Butte


The Englishman and the Girl


The Face at the Window


The Gold Seekers


The Iconoclast


The Last Deal


The Love of Lady Irma


The Marked Time-Table


The Modern Prodigal


The Newlyweds


The Passing of a Grouch


The Purgation


The Song of the Wildwood Flute


The Thread of Destiny


The Twisted Trail


The Two Brothers


The Usurer


The Way of the World


The Woman from Mellon's


Up a Tree


What the Daisy Said


When We Were in Our Teens


Wilful Peggy




A Baby's Shoe


A Burglar's Mistake


A Change of Heart


A Convict's Sacrifice


A Drunkard's Reformation


A Fair Exchange


A Fool's Revenge


A Midnight Adventure


A New Trick


A Rude Hostess


A Rural Elopement


A Sound Sleeper


A Strange Meeting


A Trap for Santa Claus


A Troublesome Satchel


A Wreath in Time


And a Little Child Shall Lead Them


At the Altar


Choosing a Husband




Eloping with Auntie


Getting Even


Her First Biscuits


His Lost Love


His Wife's Mother


His Wife's Visitor


In Little Italy


In Old Kentucky


In a Hempen Bag


In the Watches of the Night


In the Window Recess


Jealousy and the Man


Jones and His New Neighbors


Jones and the Lady Book Agent


Lady Helen's Escapade


Leather Stocking


Les Speculateurs


Lines of White on a Sullen Sea


Love Finds a Way


Lucky Jim


Mr. Jones Has a Card Party


Mr. Jones' Burglar


Mrs. Jones Entertains


Mrs. Jones' Lover; or, 'I Want My Hat'


Nursing a Viper


Oh, Uncle!


One Busy Hour


Pippa Passes; or, The Song of Conscience




Schneider's Anti-Noise Crusade


The Awakening


The Better Way


The Brahma Diamond


The Broken Locket


The Cardinal's Conspiracy


The Cord of Life


The Cricket on the Hearth


The Criminal Hypnotist


The Curtain Pole


The Day After


The Death Disc: A Story of the Cromwellian Period


The Deception


The Expiation


The Faded Lilies


The Fascinating Mrs. Francis


The French Duel


The Gibson Goddess


The Girls and Daddy


The Golden Louis


The Heart of an Outlaw


The Hessian Renegades


The Honor of Thieves


The Indian Runner's Romance


The Jilt


The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals


The Light That Came


The Little Darling


The Little Teacher


The Lonely Villa


The Lure of the Gown


The Maniac Cook


The Medicine Bottle


The Mended Lute


The Message


The Mexican Sweethearts


The Mills of the Gods


The Mountaineer's Honor


The Necklace


The Note in the Shoe


The Open Gate


The Peachbasket Hat


The Politician's Love Story


The Prussian Spy


The Red Man's View


The Road to the Heart


The Roue's Heart


The Sacrifice


The Salvation Army Lass


The Sealed Room


The Seventh Day


The Slave


The Son's Return


The Suicide Club


The Trick That Failed


The Violin Maker of Cremona


The Voice of the Violin


The Way of Man


The Welcome Burglar


The Winning Coat


The Wooden Leg


They Would Elope


Those Awful Hats


Through the Breakers


Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good


To Save Her Soul


Tragic Love


Trying to Get Arrested


Twin Brothers


Two Memories


Two Women and a Man


Was Justice Served?


What Drink Did


What's Your Hurry?


With Her Card


A Smoked Husband


After Many Years


An Awful Moment


Balked at the Altar


Behind the Scenes


Betrayed by a Handprint


Concealing a Burglar


Deceived Slumming Party


Father Gets in the Game


Ingomar, the Barbarian


L'Or du pirate


Monday Morning in a Coney Island Police Court


Money Mad


Mr. Jones at the Ball


Old Isaacs, the Pawnbroker


Over the Hill to the Poorhouse


Romance of a Jewess


The Call of the Wild


The Christmas Burglars


The Clubman and the Tramp


The Devil


The Fatal Hour


The Feud and the Turkey


The Girl and the Outlaw


The Guerrilla


The Heart of O'Yama


The Helping Hand


The Kentuckian


The Reckoning


The Red Girl


The Sculptor's Nightmare


The Song of the Shirt


The Stage Rustler


The Taming of the Shrew


The Test of Friendship


The Valet's Wife


The Vaquero's Vow


The Zulu's Heart


Thompson's Night Out


Where the Breakers Roar





Playgrounds of the Mammals


Hollywood Happenings


Midnight Daddies


The Good-Bye Kiss


Oh, Mabel Behave


Home Talent


L'Idole du village


A Rascal of Wolfish Ways




A Steel Rolling Mill




Viewing Sherman Institute for Indians at Riverside


A Rural Demon


Acres of Alfalfa


Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte


Olives and Their Oil


Santa Catalina Islands


The Morning Papers


The World's Oldest Living Thing


The Yosemite


Washing Our Clothes


A Red Hot Romance


His Crooked Career


His Ups and Downs


How Hiram Won Out


Just Brown's Luck


Los Angeles Harbor


Love Sickness at Sea


Sir Thomas Lipton Out West


The Gypsy Queen


The Hansom Driver


The Kelp Industry


The Largest Boat Ever Launched Sideways


The Making of an Automobile Tyre


The Milk We Drink


The New Conductor


The Professor's Daughter


The San Francisco Celebration


The Sleuth's Last Stand


The Speed Queen


The Telltale Light


The Waiters' Picnic


When Dreams Come True


Mabel's Adventures


The Duel


The New Neighbor


The Road to Hollywood


Sea-Going Birds


United States Army in San Francisco


How Motion Pictures Are Made

Courts métrages

Flicker Fever


Just Another Murder


Olde Saw Mill, Ye


The Timid Young Man


Way Up Thar


Hawkins & Watkins Inc.


A Poor Fish


Dance Hall Marge


Ghost Parade


Hold 'er Sheriff


I Surrender Dear


Monkey Business in Africa


Movie Town


One More Chance




The Albany Bunch


The Cannonball


The Fainting Lover


Average Husband


Bulls and Bears


Campus Crushes


Divorced Sweethearts


Fat Wives for Thin


Goodbye Legs


Grandma's Girl


Honeymoon Zeppelin


Match Play


Racket Cheers


Rough Idea of Love




Sugar Plum Papa


The Bluffer


The Chumps


Vacation Loves


A Hollywood Star


Broadway Blues


Girl Crazy


Jazz Mamas


The Barber's Daughter


The Bees' Buzz


The Big Palooka


The Bride's Relations


The Constabule


The Golfers


The Lunkhead


The New Half Back


The New Halfback


The Old Barn


Whirls and Girls


The Lion's Roar


A Finished Actor


Three Foolish Weeks


A Clever Dummy


Maggie's First False Step


An Oily Scoundrel


The Other Man


Wife and Auto Trouble


A Glimpse of the San Diego Exposition


A Rascal's Foolish Way


For Better - But Worse


Love in Armor


Mabel's Wilful Way


My Valet


Stolen Magic


The Hunt


The Little Teacher


A Bathing Beauty


A Colored Girl's Love


A Gambling Rube


A Missing Bride


A New York Girl


Across the Hall


Charlot danseur


Charlot et Fatty sur le ring


Charlot marquis


Hello, Mabel


His Talented Wife


Le Maillet de Charlot


Love and Dynamite


Love and Gasoline


Mabel at the Wheel


Mabel's New Job


Mack at It Again


Stout Hearts But Weak Knees


The Mystery of the Milk


The Noise of Bombs


Too Many Brides


A Bad Game


A Bandit


A Doctored Affair


A Double Wedding


A Fishy Affair


A Game of Poker


A Game of Pool


A Healthy Neighborhood


A Landlord's Troubles


A Life in the Balance


A Muddy Romance


A Noise from the Deep


A Quiet Little Wedding


A Strong Revenge


A Tangled Affair


A Wife Wanted


At Twelve O'Clock


Barney Oldfield's Race for a Life


Cohen Saves the Flag


Feeding Time


For Lizzie's Sake


Forced Bravery


Heinze's Resurrection


Her Birthday Present


His Chum the Baron


Hubby's Job


Jenny's Pearls


Mabel's Awful Mistakes


Mabel's Dramatic Career


Mabel's New Hero


On His Wedding Day


Peeping Pete


Rastus and the Game Cock


Safe in Jail


Saving Mabel's Dad


Schnitz the Tailor


Some Nerve


That Ragtime Band


The Battle of Who Run


The Bowling Match


The Chief's Predicament


The Cure That Failed


The Elite Ball


The Faithful Taxicab


The Firebugs


The Foreman of the Jury


The Gusher


The Jealous Waiter


The Man Next Door


The Mistaken Masher


The Riot


The Rube and the Baron


The Sleuths at the Floral Parade


The Stolen Purse


Their First Execution


Those Good Old Days


Willie Minds the Dog


Zuzu, the Band Leader


A Bear Escape


A Close Call


A Dash Through the Clouds


A Family Mixup


A Message from the Moon


A Near-Tragedy


A Spanish Dilemma


A Temperamental Husband


A Voice from the Deep


Ambitious Butler


An Absent-Minded Burglar


At Coney Island


At It Again


Au voleur ! Au voleur !


Brave and Bold


Brown's Seance


Cohen Collects a Debt


Did Mother Get Her Wish?


Fickle Spaniard


Got a Match


He Must Have a Wife


His Own Fault


Hoffmeyer's Legacy


Hot Stuff


Katchem Kate


La Bague de fiançailles


Le Chasseur téméraire


Le Mariage d'Helen


Les Fourrures


Les Touristes


Les Voisins


Lily's Lovers


L’Ordonnance du docteur


Mabel's Lovers


Mr. Fix-It


Oh, ces yeux !


One Round O'Brien


Pants and Pansies


Pedro's Dilemma


Priscilla's Capture


Riley and Schultz


Stern Papa


Stolen Glory


The Beating He Needed


The Drummer's Vacation


The Fatal Chocolate


The Flirting Husband


The Grocery Clerk's Romance


The Joke on the Joker


The Leading Man


The New Baby


The Rivals


The Speed Demon


The Water Nymph


The Would-Be Shriner


Their First Kidnapping Case


Those Hicksville Boys


Through Dumb Luck


Tomboy Bessie


Tragedy of the Dress Suit


Trying to Fool Uncle


Une fugue compromise


Useful Sheep


When the Fire Bells Rang


Who Got the Reward


Willie Becomes an Artist


With a Kodak


Won by a Fish


$500,000 Reward


A Convenient Burglar


A Mix-up in Raincoats


A Victim of Circumstances


Abe Gets Even with Father


An Interrupted Game


Bearded Youth


Caught with the Goods




Cupid's Joke




Dave's Love Affair


Dooley Scheme


Dutch Gold Mine


Her Mother Interferes


Her Pet


Jinks Joins the Temperance Club


Josh's Suicide


Misplaced Jealousy


Mr. Bragg, a Fugitive


Mr. Peck Goes Calling


Paradise Lost


Resourceful Lovers


Stubbs' New Servants


Taking His Medicine


That Dare Devil


The $500 Reward


The Baron


The Beautiful Voice


The Country Lovers


The Delayed Proposal


The Diving Girl


The Ghost


The Inventor's Secret


The Lucky Horseshoe


The Manicure Lady


The Village Hero


The Villain Foiled


The Wonderful Eye


Their Fates Sealed


Their First Divorce Case


Through His Wife's Picture


Too Many Burglars


Trailing the Counterfeiter


When Wifey Holds the Purse Strings


Why He Gave Up


Won Through a Medium




This Is Your Life