
Kocsis Ferenc, the outstanding worker, is appointed to be the director of the new state department store. He is assisted by Ilonka, a gifted designer, Boriska, a nice sales girl, Dániel, an officious, and Klimkó, a conservative salesman, as well as Uncle Glauziusz, a meticulous, honest accountant. At first he is mostly at odds with Ilonka, despite the fact that they both devote their lives to work. Their rivalry soon turns into love. In the meantime, the ex-director Dancs spreads the rumour that the new Socialist trade is unable to meet market demand. He launches a buy-up campaign with his relatives and friends which leads to mass hysteria. The new department store resists the siege of customers, while new lorryfulls of goods arrive. Eventually, the rumour-spreading trouble-makers are carried away by the police and Ilonka and Ferenc unite in love. (texte officiel du distributeur)

