Todd MartinMusique:
Dascha DauenhauerActeurs·trices:
Arienne Mandi, Zar Amir Ebrahimi, Jaime Ray Newman, Nadine Marshall, Mehdi Bajestani, Lir Katz, Elham ErfaniRésumés(1)
La judokate iranienne Leila (Arienne Mandi) et son entraîneuse Maryam (Zar Amir) se rendent aux Championnats du monde de judo avec l'intention de ramener sa première médaille d'or à l'Iran. Mais au cours de la compétition, elles reçoivent un ultimatum de la République islamique ordonnant à Leila de simuler une blessure et d’abandonner pour éviter une possible confrontation avec l’athlète israélienne. Sa liberté et celle de sa famille étant en jeu, Leila se retrouve face à un choix impossible : se plier au régime iranien, comme l'implore son entraîneuse, ou se battre pour réaliser son rêve. (Metropolitan FilmExport)
(plus)Critiques (2)
An unexpected surprise and a very good film. The idea of black and white film from the Women's Judo World Championships sounds quite unattractive and bland at first glance, but I guarantee that by the 10th minute you'll be glued to your screen and biting your nails. The protagonist is an Iranian judoka who wants to fulfill her dream of winning a gold medal. After being unexpectedly successful, she starts getting threats from the government to pretend to lose immediately or she will be branded a traitor to the nation – she is in danger of meeting her rival from Israel. A lot of psychological pressure is also put on her trainer, but the protagonist refuses to agree to their rules, thus endangering her family as well. Excellent cinematography, solid performances, an uncomfortable and suffocating atmosphere that is solidly built up, the fights are surprisingly solidly, the dialogue is engaging and you are disgusted by the warped Islamic regime. Really good stuff 85%. ()
If anyone still believes that sports and politics don't mix, they should drop that naive notion immediately — these two have always been intertwined and always will be. Tatami brings this to life through the story of an Iranian judoka who defies the absurd demands of the Islamic regime, refusing to comply at a huge personal cost. This inspiring tale of a strong woman and her courage stands out with its refined presentation — the choice of black-and-white cinematography and the 4:3 aspect ratio intensify the tension of a story mostly set in a single hall in Tbilisi during the Judo World Championships. The film’s intimate and focused narrative is elevated by dynamic camera work that gets under your skin, ramping up the tension. The brilliantly edited judo matches are another highlight. Altogether, this creates a deeply compelling experience that will stay with me for a long time. ()