Jon WattsScénario:
Jon WattsPhotographie:
Larkin SeipleMusique:
Theodore ShapiroActeurs·trices:
Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Austin Abrams, Amy Ryan, Poorna Jagannathan, Zlatko Burić, Richard Kind, Frances McDormand, Vladimir Sizov, Amanda Aday (plus)Résumés(1)
George Clooney et Brad Pitt font équipe dans la comédie d'action Wolfs. Clooney joue le rôle d'un « fixer » professionnel engagé pour dissimuler un crime de haut profil. Mais lorsqu'un deuxième « fixer » (Pitt) arrive et que les deux "loups solitaires" sont forcés de travailler ensemble, ils voient leur nuit échapper à tout contrôle de manière inattendue. (Sony Pictures Home Entertainment FR)
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Critiques (2)
Action? Thriller? Comedy? Maybe, but first and foremost, Wolves is a prime example of the "let's milk the streaming platform" genre. I think that was the primary motive of everyone involved. Fat checks paid, minimum required, done, moving on. ()
The director of the SpiderMan films tried something different and got two charismatic actors, but he needed a better script and more drive. The first 40 minutes are excellent, with Brad PItt and George Clooney having a nice verbal showdown that is surprisingly funny. But the second half is considerably weaker and and the initial satisfied impression falls a bit, slightly remedied by the more action-packed ending, but I won't scrape to a higher rating. Nice likeable fun, inoffensive. 6/10. ()